Introducing the Cotton Candy bouquet, a playful and adorable arrangement of pink roses, carnations, and mums. The bouquet is designed to look like a fluffy cotton candy, with soft pink hues and a playful, whimsical design. The pink roses symbolize love and grace, while the carnations add a playful touch of color and texture. The mums bring a touch of warmth and cheer to the bouquet. The bouquet is expertly arranged by a skilled florist and presented in a clear glass vase. Perfect for a birthday, anniversary, or just because, this bouquet is guaranteed to put a smile on anyone's face. It's a sweet and fun way to show someone you care.
Item Inclusion:
Round Bouquet
3 Stems of Pink Ecuadorian Roses
5 Stems of Pink Carnations
8 Stems of Dyed Pink Mums
Complimented with Rosal foliage.
In Custom Pink Colored Vs Wrapper and Variety of Ribbons
Product Size: Approximately 20 Inches in Length x 13 Inches in Diameter