Make a grand statement of love and admiration with our regal royal blue rose bouquet. These deep blue roses symbolize elegance, luxury and exclusivity, making them the perfect gift for that special someone who is truly one of a kind. Each rose is hand-picked by our skilled florists and carefully arranged in our signature hand stitched fabric wrapper made of satin and premium burlap, to create a truly stunning bouquet that will take their breath away. Show your loved one that they are truly royal in your eyes with this unforgettable and mesmerizing bouquet
Item Inclusion:
Arm Bouquet
3 Stem Royal Blue Ecuadorian Roses
1 Stem of Light Blue Gypsophila
Variety of Parvi and Rosal Foliage
In Custom Royal Blue VS Wrapper and Variety of Ribbons
Product Size: Approximately 27 Inches in Length x 16 Inches in Width