Indulge in the ultimate expression of love with our breathtaking red round floral bouquet. Consisting of velvety red roses, carnations and deep crimson mums. This bouquet symbolizes both passion and romance. The round shape adds a touch of sophistication and elegance, making it the perfect gift for any romantic occasion. Show your significant other just how much you care with this stunning bouquet, guaranteed to leave a lasting impression and make them feel truly cherished. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make a grand gesture and sweep them off their feet
Item Inclusion:
Round Bouquet
3 Stems Red Ecuadorian Roses
5 Stems Red Carnation
8 Stems of Maroon Daisies
Variety of Yucca and Rosal Foliage
In Custom Red VS Wrapper and Variety of Ribbons
Product Size: Approximately 20 Inches in Length x 13 Inches in Diameter