Experience the romance and allure of the Night Skies floral bouquet. This sultry bouquet features blue Ecuadorian roses, bold carnations and mums, arranged to perfection by a skilled florist. The rich blue color of the roses symbolizes mystery and intrigue, while the carnations and mums add depth and drama to the bouquet. The bouquet is designed to evoke a sense of romance and passion, perfect for a special occasion or to express your love and affection. Whether you're looking to surprise your loved one or simply to add a touch of luxury to your decor, the Night Skies floral bouquet is the perfect choice.
Item Inclusion:
Round Bouquet
3 Stems of Blue Ecuadorian Roses
5 Stems of Blue Spray Carnations
6 Stems of Blue (Dyed) Mums
1 Stem of Blue Gypsophila
Customized Silver Vseries Fabric Wrapper
Product Size: Approximately 20 Inches in Length x 13 Inches in Diameter